How do I run my bin?
- The Mill food recycler is designed to run daily at your scheduled start time. To create the schedule Head to the top right of your app and hit the three lines, then Device > Dry & Grind > Schedule.
- You can also manually start and stop the bin using the lid button by double tapping.
You can add food scraps while Dry & Grind is running
- If your bin is locked, you'll need to unlock it first. Learn more here.
- Your bin may automatically add some extra Dry & Grind time for your new kitchen scraps.
How much power does the bin use?
It really depends on the amount of food scraps in the bucket. On average, the bin uses about 1 kWh/day to dry and grind kitchen scraps from a family of four. Want to use less energy? Try limiting liquids by doing things like straining wet foods before adding the solids to the bucket.
How long is a Dry & Grind cycle?
- Mill can transform 1.4lbs of food scraps into dry, shelf-stable grounds in just 2.5 hours. Depending on the weight and estimated moisture of the food scraps, the cycle time will adjust.
In general, the bin’s Dry & Grind cycle should take somewhere between 3-8 hours (though it can be longer.) That’s why we recommend running it overnight. You can check an estimate for how long the cycle is going to be in the app.
Things that make your Dry & Grind cycle even longer
- Adding liquids or watery foods
- Adding food scraps mid-cycle (especially towards the end)
You can see the amount of scraps you’ve added for the current cycle or upcoming cycle as well as the estimated time in the app.
Tips for shorter cycles
- Strain out liquids and check out the Food Library (Library tab) in the app for items that aren’t approved
- If you’re going to add new food scraps while a cycle is running, do so at the beginning of the cycle vs. the end. Adding at the end means the bin may take 1-2 hours to grind the new food scraps, before it can really start to dry it.
- Make sure your dust filter is clean. You’ll find it on the left side of your food recycler when you lift the bucket cover. Just wipe your fingers along its surface, the same way you would clean a dryer’s lint trap. Anything that comes off the filter can be placed into the bucket.
- Empty the bucket more frequently, e.g. at half full instead of at the fill line.
- From time to time, reset your bin’s scale to ensure any bumps or nudges don’t affect the reading.
Can I stop a Dry & Grind cycle early?
It’s best to let a Dry & Grind cycle run until it finishes, since you can always add to it while the cycle is running. But if you need to stop a cycle for any reason, you can double-tap the lid button or hit “Cancel” in the app. If you do so, just know that your Food Grounds won’t be dry enough to send back to Mill and they may have more odor than you’re used to. Your bucket may also take some time to cool down before the automatic lock disengages.