If you opt in to Mill Pickups, you have the option to send your Food Grounds to us whenever your Mill gets full, in order to keep your food scraps in the food system and out of the landfill.
Based on our preliminary study, you can avoid about a half-ton of greenhouse gas emissions per year when you opt into Mill Pickups. Instead of filling the air with methane, your food scraps are turned into food for chickens, going right back into the food system.
We are partnering with USPS to ship Food Grounds because they’re already visiting almost every house, every day. And since Mill households will, on average, send just one box of Food Grounds every few weeks, USPS vehicles will have the capacity to manage the load.
With this approach, every box of Food Grounds could be transported 15,000-20,000 miles (close to a trip around the world) before it could negate the benefits of keeping food out of landfills and avoiding methane emissions.
For the Food Grounds packaging, we use a recyclable LDPE plastic slide-lock liner in a 100% recyclable cardboard box. Since we receive every box of Food Grounds at our feed facility, we’re able to inspect and sort the boxes for reusability and recycle the bags. We’ve partnered with a recycling facility to convert all of our liners into value added products, for example parking curb stops!
We’re also actively exploring other sustainable packaging options. If you have any suggestions, please send them to us at mill.com/contact.
To learn more about the climate impact of an annual Mill subscription, please visit mill.com/LCA.