We designed Mill to dry and grind food scraps as efficiently as possible using integrated sensors and machine learning algorithms to minimize the energy required to transform your food scraps into dry grounds. Mill runs intelligently, and cycles run shorter or longer depending on the amount and type of food scraps added. The Mill skips running on days when few scraps are added to save energy. We estimate your Mill will use around 0.7 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity per day, averaged over multiple weeks of usage. Our energy usage numbers reflect these real world conditions, and are an average across all of our second generation devices.
The cost of energy will depend on your local energy rates — you can check your energy bill to see how much you pay per kilowatt-hour (kWh). At $0.178 per kWh (approximately the national average), that’s about $4 per month. This is less than half of what it costs to run a standard-sized dishwasher each month and the bin will keep getting better and more efficient over time.
Want to use less energy? Try limiting liquids by doing things like straining wet foods before adding the solids to the bucket.