If you're having trouble pairing your Mill and are getting a "Can't find bin" error message, the following could be happening:
- Your bin isn’t powered on
- Your bin isn’t in pairing mode
- Bluetooth is turned off on your phone
- Your Mill app doesn’t have Bluetooth permissions
- Your phone isn’t close enough to your bin
1. Your bin isn’t powered on
- Make sure your bin is plugged in
- If using a 2nd gen. Mill, ensure the power cable is secured in the bottom of the bin
- Test your outlet to make sure it's getting power
2. Your bin isn’t in pairing mode
- Factory reset your bin using the steps outlined here.
3. Bluetooth is turned off on your phone
- Turn on Bluetooth in your phone settings
- On iPhone, go to Settings > Bluetooth, turn on Bluetooth, then tap the name of the device.
On Android, swipe down from the top of the screen > tap Bluetooth.
4. Your Mill app doesn't have Bluetooth permissions
- Confirm that the Mill app has Bluetooth permissions by going to Settings > Mill on iOS and App Info on Android
5. Your phone isn't close enough to your bin
- Move closer to your bin. It won't bite!